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April 2023

Shri Jawed Ashraf, Ambassador of India to France

H.E. Mr. Jawed Ashraf assumed charge as the Ambassador of India to the Republic of France and Principality of Monaco on July 13, 2020. A career diplomat, H.E. Mr. Jawed Ashraf joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1991. He served in Frankfurt and Berlin from 1993 to 1999. He thereafter worked at the Americas Division…

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Dr. Neha Midha

Dr. Neha is an environment professional with 15 years’ experience in Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Urban Water Security, Landscape Planning, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Smart Green Infrastructure, Community Based Conservation; GIS Spatial Analysis, and Wildlife Conservation. She has led projects for developing innovative tools, technologies and cooperation’s focusing on South Asia and South – South cooperation. …

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin

Dr. Ryabinin is oceanographer, climatologist, marine engineer. At present he serves as Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO. He graduated from the Oceanological Faculty of the then (1978) Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute and was candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (equiv. to PhD 1982) and Doctor of Sciences…

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1280 720 Maritime Research Center

Dr. Deepak Samuel V

Dr. Deepak is a Scientist at National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. He is Scientist D working as a Marine Ecologist in the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Resources Division

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Shri Ashwin Shroff

As an Executive Chairman of the Excel Industries, Mr. Ashwin C Shroff has always led from the front. Affectionately called Ashwinbhai throughout Excel, he always leads by example and is the bearer of all the values that make life at Excel so special. He is firmly committed to the Excel way of working - building…

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Dr. Apoorva Palkar

Dr. Apoorva Palkar is the Founding Vice Chancellor of Maharashtra State Skills University(MSSU). She comes with academic experience of more than 28 years in Higher Education and has been an institution builder. She worked as Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages at Savitribai Phule Pune University for four years prior to joining MSSU and has done…

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Mukul S Sutaone

Dr. Mukul Sutaone is Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication department at College of Engineering, Pune (COEP).  With over 30 years of experience in Academics, Research and Industry, Prof. Sutaone has taken over as First Vice Chancellor of COEP Technological University and has handled various responsibilities such as Director, Deputy Director, Dean Academics, Dean-International Relations, Head…

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597 1080 Maritime Research Center

Prof Anamika Barua

Prof. Anamika is trained in Ecological Economics and her research interest lies in understanding how political, social and economic factors shapes environmental decisions and change, particularly related to water. Her research interests include – socio economic vulnerability to climate change, water and livelihood security in the context of climate change, ecological accounting (ecological footprints, virtual…

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Dr. Swayamprabha Das

Currently Consultant at Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)/ Ministry of External Affairs, GOI. Development professional with over 24 years of experience in programme development and management, policy and advocacy (national, regional and inter-governmental), communication and community engagement. Have knowledge and worked across Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); human development, skill development, environment & climate…

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1224 1280 Maritime Research Center

Dr. Satheesh Shenoy

Climate Change

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    The conventional approach of each of the stakeholders pursuing their own UDA* efforts has serious limitations given the highly resource intensive field experimental research initiative required for a long period. Click here for more