Tropical Waters and Unique Characteristics: Anthropogenic Perspective of the Indian Ocean

Today, the Indian Ocean (IO) is important because it is a crucial route for world trade, especially in energy. Its extensive and heavily populated littoral includes some of the world’s fastest-growing areas. Around 800 CE, ocean shipping for foreign trade began. This made it easier for people in Africa, India, and China to trade goods they wanted with each other. This led to the growth of a trade network in the Indian Ocean, which let economic giants like the Persian Empire and the Caliphates of Turkey do much business. The Indian Ocean Trade Route was one of history’s most important trade routes. It connected the Middle East, East Asia, India, and Africa.

As trade technology in the Indian Ocean improved, so did business and ties between countries. People may have traded in the Indian Ocean as early as 1500 BC. Over time, Portuguese sailors found light boats specifically made for ocean trade. For example, the long and thin Dhow could carry many goods. At the same time, the Chinese improved their ships so they could sail the seas and trade.

The IO is ideally placed at the global trade hub, connecting the major economic hubs in the Asia-Pacific and the North Atlantic. This means that the amount of business shipping has grown by almost four times since 1970. India’s cultural impact has grown thanks to the Ocean, which has brought people, religion, goods, and customs to India from Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. About two billion people live in the Ocean’s huge drainage basin. This significantly creates chances for working together since the economies along the Indian Ocean rim are proliferating.

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