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(Featured)ICWA – Maritime Domain Awareness in the Indo-Pacific Region

The Government of India has announced the Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) vision to manage the challenges and opportunities in the IOR. It also envisages a leadership role for India in the region and dreams of rekindling the rich maritime heritage we had in the past. Geopolitically and geostrategically, it is an ambitious vision to ensure India’s claim in the global power play. However, operationalising it on the ground will require far greater effort domestically and also at a regional level. The Indo-Pacific strategic space can be governed, managed and monitored only with a far deeper appreciation of the UDA in the tropical waters of the region. The Indo part of the IndoPacific strategic space could be a good start, and the UDA framework could be a good driver for realising the MSP in the IOR. It is well backed by the SAGAR vision. The Government of India has announced multiple mega initiatives to substantiate the SAGAR vision, like the Sagarmala, Gati-Shakti, Inland Water Transport, Jal Jeewan Mission, and more. However, it may be said that none of these can be achieved without a strong UDA realisation. 

578 608 Dr. Arnab Das

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    The conventional approach of each of the stakeholders pursuing their own UDA* efforts has serious limitations given the highly resource intensive field experimental research initiative required for a long period. Click here for more