Maritime Security

Capt Sudhir Subedhar

Capt. Subedhar's professional qualifications include Extra Master, B.Sc. (Marine Tech), and commendation at Sir John Cass School of Science and Technology, London. He served as a deck officer and sailing Master with SCI and Anglo Eastern Co from 1968-1982 and subsequently as Supdt in SCI Mumbai and Anglo Eastern Hong Kong in 1982-1989. He was…

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Dr. David Brewster

Dr David Brewster is a Senior Research Fellow with the National Security College, Australian National University where he works on Indian Ocean and Indo Pacific maritime security.    He is also a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne.   He is a frequent speaker at international security conferences throughout the region and is…

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Vice Admiral DSP Varma (Retd)

Vice Admiral DSP Varma is a former Director General of the Advanced Technology Vessel Programme (which produced India's first nuclear submarine) and a former Chief of Material of the Indian Navy. He is a Post Graduate in Radar and Communications from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Vice Admiral Varma has had an outstanding career…

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Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin

Dr. Ryabinin is oceanographer, climatologist, marine engineer. At present he serves as Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO. He graduated from the Oceanological Faculty of the then (1978) Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute and was candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (equiv. to PhD 1982) and Doctor of Sciences…

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    Address: Maritime Research Center, Koregaon Bhima, Pune, Maharashtra – 412216

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    The conventional approach of each of the stakeholders pursuing their own UDA* efforts has serious limitations given the highly resource intensive field experimental research initiative required for a long period. Click here for more