Monthly Archives :

April 2023

Shri Neeraj Panchal

Being an IP Counsel, my objective is to help optimize inventor’s protection by leveraging it with my skills and knowledge. Also to assist in generation and protection of IP assets while keeping up-to-date information on developments and trends surrounding Intellectual Property Laws.

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Dr. R Vijay Kumar

Dr Vijay is an associate professor at IIT Chennai. He completed his masters and PhD from IIT Delhi. His research interests include Computational fluid dynamics applications related to ships and floating bodies, Experimental hydrodynamics for floating bodies, Development of autonomous underwater vehicle and gliders, Energy saving devices to improve propulsive efficiencies of ships, Ship –…

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1705 2560 Maritime Research Center

Dr. L Venkata Subramaniam

Mr. Venkat is the IBM Quantum India Leader. His present goal is to set up Quantum Computing as a leading area of research in India. He has contributed/led 6 products, 34 patents, 150 papers and 3000 citations. Mr. Subramaniam obtained his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington University, St. Louis, USA, and the Ph.…

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1920 1080 Maritime Research Center

Dr. Ashish Kuvelkar

Mr. Ashish Kuvelkar is currently the Convener of Expert Group on Human Resources Development of the National Supercomputing Mission; he is involved in leading the activities of the Expert Group and implementing its mandate of building HPC aware manpower by working with stakeholders from educational and research institutes in India and abroad and with the…

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2560 1707 Maritime Research Center

Shri Kishore Mandya

Kishore Mandhyan's work covers peacekeeping and diplomacy; teaching and research in global security, political ecology and social change; civic and political activism in sustainable development; and international administration and governance. He was Political Director and Deputy Director for Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Human Rights in the Cabinet of the United Nations Secretary General.  He represented the…

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2560 1707 Maritime Research Center

Ms. Lakshmi Krishnakumar

Ms. Lakshmi is the founder and director of O trust, based in Delhi formed two years ago with poetry at its center, to overcome barriers in learning and to evolve a level playing field for people in art and science fields.  She is a Shakespearean Scholar, writer and theatre director.

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1707 1708 Maritime Research Center

Shri Pratap Rao Pawar

Pratap Govindrao Pawar is a businessperson who has been at the head of several companies and currently is Chairman of Pp Holdings Ltd., Chairman at Ajay Metachem Sud Chemie Pvt Ltd., Chairman & Managing Director at Sakal Papers Pvt Ltd. and Chairman at Sakal Media Pvt Ltd. Mr. Pawar is also Chairman for Bhau Institute…

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1708 1707 Maritime Research Center

Vice Admiral DSP Varma (Retd)

Vice Admiral DSP Varma is a former Director General of the Advanced Technology Vessel Programme (which produced India's first nuclear submarine) and a former Chief of Material of the Indian Navy. He is a Post Graduate in Radar and Communications from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Vice Admiral Varma has had an outstanding career…

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1707 2560 Maritime Research Center

Shri Hemang Jani

Hemang Jani is an experienced professional in public policy, governance and innovation systems. For the past two decades, he has worked towards improving public service delivery through technology, designing national innovation frameworks, applying technology and innovation in governance, and enabling private sector development at state, federal and international levels. Before joining as the Secretary of…

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1707 1708 Maritime Research Center

Prof Ajay Dandekar

Dr. Ajay Dandekar did his Ph.D. from Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi in early nineties. He has worked on the issue of Denotified and Nomadic Communities, and Pastoral Nomadic groups. He has done work on the agrarian crisis and farmers suicides. Lately his research interest has spilled over in the issues of…

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1707 2560 Maritime Research Center

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    Email: director@maritimeresearchcenter.com

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    The conventional approach of each of the stakeholders pursuing their own UDA* efforts has serious limitations given the highly resource intensive field experimental research initiative required for a long period. Click here for more